FRI 2/12 | 7PM | $15-20 | FAMILY HOSTILE
w/ ??? vs ? (A Nonabrasive Lachrymal Limper vs. Nicolln)
If Lincoln’s age was degrees Fahrenheit he would almost be able to boil water! Next year buddy!! In the meantime happy 211th birthday bud!! Let’s celebrate the tall boy and kick off this February drive in right, with a classic MoHA thunder dome!! We’ve got two Lincoln bio pics going head to head. One won academy awards! In the other he fucking hunts vampires!!! Who will survive… the thunderdome!?!!!
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SAT 2/13 | 7PM | $15-20 | FAMILY HOSTILE
Tonight We Valentine in Hell! or The Love of My Knife
w/ ? (Alabaster’s Cork Drum)
Hell yeah it’s Saturday the 13th, Valentine’s eve!! A spooky number, a romantic weekend, and a dynamite evening! We had so much fun doing our campfire stories night in December that we’re bringing it back… with a twist!! This time it’s not just scary! Circle your car up around our fire and use the provided, freshly sanitized, walkie talkie to tell your 5 minute or less tale!! This time you can pick or write a story that is scary OR romantic! ORRRRR if you’re more of an off the cuff kinda person you can pick a vampire movie you have never seen and try to explain the plot of it! We’re covering all our bases! But why would we need to cover a vampire base you ask!?! Well, cause we’re showing perhaps the ultimate vampire film! It’s based on the ultimate vampire book at least! As I was typing this I just remembered Keanu is in this movie wow I can’t wait!!
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SUN 2/14 | 7PM | $15-20 | FOR LOVERS
It’s the big day and the most romantic place on earth is the MoHA parking lot! The good news is… you’re invited 🙂 Join us for a 90 minute date odyssey! It’ll work best if you have a friend(s) or lover(s) in the car with you but you can also phone someone or call Zac’s mom! (A true and real offer she loves to chat!) Together you’ll go on a spiritual journey through iconic movie rom com moments, soul elevating questions, unreal prompts, real hand holding, film recreation, and exquisite rejuvenation. We don’t want to give too much away but it’ll be really fun and silly and sincere! The perfect date for an imperfect year!
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TUE 2/16 | 7PM | $15-20 | FAMILY HOSTILE
w/ ?✈️ (Trip Girls)
Shrove Tuesday more like Drove to MoHA Tuesday!!! It’s the cool night of gluttony before we all go into that sweet, sweet, lent abstention! And what better way to celebrate Fat Tuesday than the return of our hallowed snack competition! This time the rules are that we ransacked an Outback Steakhouse and have declared it an autonomous zone and there are no rules!!! We want to see your most fucked, your utterly inane, your sins against God and man snacks. We’re talking snacks so cruelly delicious that you’ll be begging for lent to start. As usual only you will get to eat your snacks and I am begging you to make us all very jealous. Awards will be given out for strangest, most maddening, most heroic, most sublime, best use of a sea creature, and many more snacks. I’m in the snackden of good and evil over here! Fish stick around cause then everyone’s gonna called their oldest friends for a few minutes! If you don’t have an oldest friend, as always, Zac’s mom is available to chat! Sure it’s very cool to talk to your friends but why tonight??! Cause we’re watching a really wonderful girl group young friends all grown up vacation movie, set in and around Mardi Gras!! It’s got Queen Latifah, Jada Pinkett (Always thought it was Pickett!), Tiffany Haddish, and Regina Hall. A true fact this movie had to pay a giant carbon tax to the state of Louisiana on account of the gratuitous amount of star power it used!!
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WED 2/17 | 7PM | $15-20 | FAMILY INDIFFERENT (PG-13)
w/ ??? + ???&??? (He Vindicate Cod + Dangled Son Names)
Have you been just nonstop sinning in quarantine? Can’t go to church to get right with The Lord for fear of catching the big C? Cancel your Venmo to The Pope asap: you don’t need indulgences! We’ve got you covered with the world’s first ever, Covid safe, confessional experience! Simply drive into our (patent pending) Carfessional, confess you, your group, or your cars, sins to Zac and I, we’ll have you do some Car Hail Mary’s or something and boom, you and The Good Lord are even! But not for long!! Cause within minutes you’ll be lusting after Tom Hank’s hot mind, as you watch him solve a number of ancient puzzles and take down corruption in the Catholic Church from the inside!! That’s right we’re watching both of those Dan Brown books turned Ron Howard movies! (There are actually 3 of them but the 3rd isn’t about The Catholic Church it’s about a deadly virus that could create a global pandemic and Tom Hank’s is one of the first people to get the virus and uh… a bit too close to home ?) We’re doing Princess Switch rules!! We start both movies simultaneously! When you text Zac “Sin” he switches from one movie to the other, creating a new movie, which is pieces of each movie!! How many ancient texts, hidden tombs, and self-flagellations can we handle?! Let’s find out!!
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THUR 2/18 | 7PM | $15-20 | FAMILY HOSTILE
w/ ♾️? (Lactate Roll)
Tonight we celebrate one of our oldest friends! Mars! Throughout your life they showed up! They made the effort! Tonight we give something back!! The Perseverance Rover has been absolutely slamming its way towards Mars, covering 292.5 million miles in the past seven months!! Tonight it touches down, and we’ll be rooting it on!! To celebrate we’ve got a special as heck game / activity. Edan and Maggie, powerhouse champions from last year’s drive-in, are bringing their Perseverance Mazda Rover to MoHA and will be exploring our very own red planet, the MoHA side parking lot! We’ll be projecting a livestream of their journey and y’all will be directing their research and discovery from your car!! That’s right, via freshly sanitized walkie talkie, you the audience call the shots! Will you find evidence of water? Ancient microbes? Alien life??!?! Find out on Thursday!!! Stick around cause afterwards we’re watching the very best movie about Mars, you know the one… it’s got the governor in it 😉
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FRI 2/19 | 7PM | $15-20 | FAMILY HOSTILE-ISH
w/ ?♂️? & ? & ????? &??? (Screen 1: Heftier Stronghold, Screen 2: I Lean, Screen 3: Negate Nutmeat: Annul Jitters + Wick John)
No MoHA drive-in would be complete without a night that pushes the outer limits of its host’s sanity, and so the MoHA all-night marathon is back!! This time we’re doing 3 screens showing massive movie franchises!! On one screen we got those good hobbit boys trying to find a volcano (extended editions ?), on the other we’ve got those movies where it’s always a big nasty alien fighting a brunette who is often Sigourney Weaver but not always (we’re showing these in chronological order starting with the one that’s named after the guy who stole fire from the Gods. I just googled what that guy did I get why they called the movie that!), and on the final screen we’re showing two beloved trilogies! The first is a 90’s franchise about turtles doing karate and eating pizza, the second is about Keanu Reeves doing fighting and eating probably those gold coins they use for everything! “Whoa dog! Starting with the movie first and not mentioning the activity until now?? What gives Neil?” Keeping you on your toes reader! The activity is cool but I think makes more sense within the longness of the movies! It’s finish that thing night!! If you have a Covid project you’ve been slacking off on, bring it to work on in your car throughout the night! I’m talking anything! Your crochet masterpiece, your screenplay, your 2020 tax return, the perfect over easy egg! We are here for it and support you! We’ll be checking in on people’s projects every few hours whenever it feels like an okay time to pause all 3 movies!
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SAT 2/20 | 7PM | $15-20 | FAMILY INDIFFERENT (PG-13)
Dancin’ in MoHAlight
w/ ??? + ??⛪(Did Granny Tic? + Toe of Solo)
This one concocts within me the perfect mixture of enthusiasm and future joy, with just a dash of concern that it is too ambitious and might be a train wreck 😉 It’s dance night at MoHA! To celebrate we’re taking over the entire parking lot to do possibly the first ever, in car, country line dance!! Drive your car 10 feet forward, 10 feet back, dosey doe your car idk I’m still figuring all the steps! Every car will have lots of space so as long as you don’t have one of those cars from the 2000’s that was accelerating instead of braking (idk it was a whole big deal and they did a huge recall but I can’t find it on google!) you’re not gonna hit anyone 🙂 No back up cam required! Then we’re gonna watch two of the best movies about dancing!! One of them is about unclean dancing the other is about your feet falling off I guess?
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SUN 2/21 | 7PM | $15-20 | FAMILY HOSTILE
w/ ➖✂️ ?? + ?⌚ vs ??? (Cute Gun, Ms + Good Item Vs. Teal Panther)
It’s stressful v. sublime, terror v. tranquility, anxiety v. acquiescence! It’s the Sadfie’s brother’s last two movies vs / plus?? David Attenborough’s award winning nature documentary series! Each projected on it’s own screen with the audio of each available on different radio stations! It’s a choose your own adventure kind of night! Chill out or die trying! Live on the edge or perish relaxing!!? These things really make me feel opposite ways; let’s see if tonight ties each side of my brain to a horse and pulls my mind apart!
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TUE 2/23 | 7PM | $15-20 | FAMILY FRIENDLY
w/ ?↩️(Who Mourned Bad?)
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah! In celebration of National Spay Day it’s the return of Just Me and My Animal Friend!!! Bring your fury, scaly, shelled, or other friend IRL or digitally to show them off!! We’ll project an in car livestream or whatever pictures and videos you send Zac while you tell us all about your personal person’s best friend over your freshly sanitized walkie talkie! Awards will be given out to all animal friends!!!! We would love to see your bud in person but keep in mind they gotta stay in the car until you leave!! Then we’re gonna watch one of the all time best animal friend movies! About animal friends who are traveling! Animal Friends on the move!! Transcontinental Animal Friends!!
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WED 2/24 | 7PM | $15-20 | FAMILY FRIENDLY
w/ ?
Just can’t tell you how pumped I am for this one! An idea that’s been brewing for year but we only just now figured out how best to do it!! We’re gonna play the boardgame Clue! Don’t worry you’ll be safely in your cars! I’ll explain when you get here! All you need to do is come dressed up as your favorite Clue character! You can also make up your own Clue character really the only requirement is that you be really into one color! If we end up with 3 Miss Scarlet’s that’s fine! I know what you’re thinking: “But if I win, will I get a certificate?” And dog, the answer is yes!! Then we’re gonna watch a movie lol I wonder what movie it could be ?
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THUR 2/25 | 7PM | $15-20 | FAMILY FRIENDLY
w/ 4️⃣?? (Riotise Racoon Foundry)
Wow tonight it’s truly Hamandemonium! We’re celebrating Purim! We’re bringing in some friends and scholars to give us the down low on how this holiday go! After we learn a bunch of shit we’re gonna do the traditional blotting out of Haman’s name (he is a bad dude who tried to kill everyone) except we’re going to crash a car into a giant cardboard statue of Haman. Bud, that’s gonna be so cool! Then we’re gonna watch a fantastic Christopher Guest and Eugene Levy movie about a bunch of people trying to make a movie about Purim! Sweet!
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FRI 2/26 | 7PM | $15-20 | FAMILY FRIENDLY
w/ ?️(???) + ?️(???)✖️2️⃣ (Senior Tarantulae + Foot?! Beer Socks!)
We’re taking Monday’s off this time which means we missed President’s Day but we really wanted to show you those sick Nic Cage movies where he just goes hog wild on our nation’s beloved artifacts, kidnaps the president, and Scrooge McDuck dives into a bunch of treasure! So we’re doing it tonight! In keeping with the theme of the movies you’ll be going on your own in-car treasure / scavenger hunt. This is an activity that rewards cluttered cars, and I would honestly recommend you fill your car with as much stupid shit as you can pull out of your home and bring to MoHA! The more stuff the better! Truly like show up with a car filled with moon rocks or carnivorous plants or something!
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SAT 2/27 | 6:30PM | $22 or $27 (w/snack pack) | FAMILY INDIFFERENT (PG-13)
w/??? (Oops onscreen mink)
The Association for the Advancement of Aware Arts and Action is happy to collaborate with MoHA to present a Drive-In Movie Evening on February 27th at 6:30 pm. AAAAA is a local association of artists and dreamers dedicated to experimental approaches to living. The group formed in early 2020 and has recently purchased a plot of land for sustainable farming and artistic expression. Through this drive-in, AAAAA is hoping to raise money to begin development on a plot of land they have recently purchased. Come hang out with AAAAA and watch an old childhood favorite! Have a good time for a good cause.
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SUN 2/28 | 7PM | $15-20 | FAMILY FRIENDLY
w/ ?2️⃣ (At Ding Pond 2)
Wow! Another trip around the sun! Yes it’s New Years for those of us who align our calendars to Hugh Grant’s birthday!! To celebrate we’re doing a Hugh Grant trivia gameshow called What’s It To Hugh? If you’ve just woken up after fainting from reading the previous sentence I apologize, I should have warned you, but get ready for the faint part 2 cause guess what, the winner gets to FaceTime to with Hugh Grant (Zac has insisted that I tell you it is not the real Hugh Grant! It is my friend Haley in a wig and it is actually her birthday!) and personally sing him happy birthday!! An unfathomable honor!!! Then we’re gonna watch the best Hugh Grant movie which is just the best movie about the best bear doing his cute bear thing and going to the worst jail!
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TUE 3/2 | 7PM | $15-20 | FAMILY FRIENDLY
Alright it’s Texas Independence Day and we’re gonna have a few people way smarter than me talk about what that means with in the context of like, everything. And then we’re gonna slam our way through a killer smorgasbord of Texan media including the bio pic about the beloved pop singer expertly portrayed by Jennifer Lopez, the Mike Judge cartoon about the propane man, an episode of the of the big Friday football show, and hopefully something by Robert Rodriguez I’m really hoping he has directed something short!! Somewhere in there we’re bound to throw in some Tuesday night caraoke! Texas tracks only!!!!
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WED 3/3 | 7PM | $15-20 | FAMILY FRIENDLY
w/ ? ⏭️⛈️?️ vs ?➡️? (Muddy Batman Hexed Doormen vs. Epic Tithing, Abbey!)
It’s George Miller’s birthday and it all comes full circle! Our final thunderdome of this series, the titular thunderdome!! See George Miller’s classic road warrior, Tina Turner infused, fever dream go up against Miller’s classic pig moves to city romp! Both our sequels, neither are fleequels. Who will survive… The Thunderdome!!
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THUR 3/4 | 7PM | $15-20 | FAMILY INDIFFERENT (PG-13)
w/ ????? (Epic Deed, Nanny Ed!)
It’s speech night baby!! In celebration of National Grammar Day we’re hosting our first ever Speech Karaoke night!! That’s right, pick the pieces of your broken brain off the fucking floor and then check it out! It’s like karaoke but instead of all our favorite songs, it’s all of our favorite speeches from movies! You text Zac a youtube link to the speech you want to do, we project it with the audio muted and the subtitles on and you give the speech through your freshly sanitized walkie talkie! You could throw down your best Charlie Chaplin The Great Dictator repenting speech, channel that Henry V energy and do the William Wallace Braveheart one while pretending you’ve got a cool horse to giddyup, or do like, literally any sports movie halftime locker room rally speech! Then we’re gonna watch the extremely good Will Smith / Jeff Goldblum alien movie and when the president does THE speech we’ll all do it together!!
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FRI 3/5 | 7PM | $15-20 | FAMILY INDIFFERENT (PG-13)
w/ ??❤️? (Malingers)
Oooo baby it’s World Math’s Day!!!!! And you know where we are?!? On the dang world so you know we simply must celebrate!!! Join us for our first ever MoHA Math Olympiad!!! This won’t be no Good Will Hunting giant equation solve for what the heck type thing!! We’re exploring all areas of math and everything that it seems math could be!!! It won’t be that hard it will be fun as hell and there will be certificates for Gold, Silver, and Math Bronze!! Then we’re gonna watch a really sweet and wonderful movie about Lindsay Lohan doing math and Rachel McAdams doing actually I can’t remember her deal in this movie I just think she’s wonderful so I wanted to mention she’s in it too!!
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SAT 3/6 | 7PM | $15-20 | FAMILY FRIENDLY
w/ ?to? + ????(Finite Oven + Growling Irk)
Parting is such sweet sorrow unless it’s fun as hell which it freaking is gonna be!!! Our last night together for this round so you know what that means!!! It’s Car Drag 2, dog!!!!! Decorate / transform your car into any other kind of vehicle, anything that moves, or really any object, and strut your stuff down our big runway!! It’s the drag so nice we’re doing it twice with the following very good addition: Pre-show vanity photos! Show up early (Like 6:15) and pull up to our beautiful sequined backdrop for a very cool in car photoshoot! We’ll email you your pictures!! It’s the last night and it’s Employee Appreciation day, so stick around for a wondrous double feature about women working for certain hours!! Up first we got Dolly Parton doing her thing in the movie that’s title is mostly numbers! Then I feel like we’ll probably do Caraoke for a second? Up last we got Sigourney Weaver vs. Melanie Griffith in a battle to see who can become Harrison Ford I think tbh it’s been a while!! Dang that’s a night y’all!!! We’ll see you next time!! Which is probably very soon! Zac will be here but I’ll be back in TN! I miss you already!!
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WED 6/9 | 9PM | $20 | FAMILY INDIFFERENT (PG-13)
Presented by Kuniklo
Join us for a screening of the collective video works of Kuniklo and the world premiere of our new collection of short films, Kvar.
KUNIKLO is mutating, cross cultural collective, formed in 2015. Our practice centers around themes of nature, queer sexuality, and investigations into literary/philosophical theory. We mesh our particular specialties into a dense art practice, using painting, sculpture, puppetry, costume design, video art and music to create other-worldly, multidimensional environments.
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THUR 6/10 | 9PM | $20 | FAMILY HOSTILE
Presented by Ruido/Noise
Ruido/Noise presents “The Rhymin’ Drive-In,” where hip-hop music meets foreign language films. With your hosts – musician/educator Deaven Bean and director of Ruido/Noise Jay Roff-Garcia. We choose a stellar film to pair with a scrumptous local hip-hop performance, including some choice edits and fun inclusions for the feature film.
Music: Black Davinci
Film: Five Deadly Venoms (Hong Kong)
Ruido/Noise is a platform for artists working in sound art, as well as facilitating spaces for them to present their work. Sound art is interdisciplinary by nature, in many ways it manifests itself in a hybrid form, our programming seeks to expand the field by providing opportunities for collaborations and experimentation.
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FRI 6/11 | 9PM | $20 | FAMILY HOSTILE
Come hang out with Brown Girl Collective at MoHA! It’s fun in the summer, from inside our cars, because eww it’s hot and germs are gross. We’ll warm up for the night by screening some short films made by creatives in our collective and friends in the community. We’ll also play a game, but the particular game hasn’t been decided yet, so it’ll be a surprise! Then, we’ll screen a summery feature film, best described as Scooby Doo meets David Lynch, or Monster House on acid-–with 70’s floral themes!
Brown Girl Collective is a local organization of young adults supporting brown girls, non-binary folx, and femmes in their creative endeavors through community outreach. Check our instagram @browngirlcollective.atx !!
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Creative Action Youth Cinema Collective Spring Screening
Presented by Creative Action
Join us for a fun evening at the unique drive in experience at the Museum of Human Achievement. Creative Action presents a series of short films created by the members of the Youth Cinema Collective in their spring semester. Their work has been featured in local and national film festivals. This event marks the culmination of their work for the 2020-2021 year! Come out and celebrate with us!
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Presented by St Edwards
The St. Edward’s University acting class of 2021 presents a short-film anthology that explores the different subgenres of horror. Come to see witches, zombies, and ghosts! It may not be October, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be a little spooky. Come join us for a viewing hosted by two of the student fiImmakers!
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FRI 6/18 | 9PM | $20 | FAMILY HOSTILE
FART Pt 2: The Squeakquel: Secret of the Ooze
Presented by Cindy Popp
FART Pt 2 is the long-anticipated follow up to FART: The Motion Picture (, a feature-length video mix tape. FART Pt 2 shares the same disjointed spirit, shlock value, crapster sensibility with all-new selections culled exclusively from VHS tapes. The video equivalent of throwing a cream pie against a freshly painted wall, viewer beware: none of this will make sense and much of it will be anti-pleasurable but hopefully the shared experience will lead to something fun and, as Bonnie Raitt says, will give ya “something to talk about”!
Cindy Popp is a visual artist, clown about town, and physical media enthusiast. She was born in Austin, grew up on a semi-truck, and now spends her time watching movies with her husband Bill and their cat, Nacho.
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Chess but Better (or Worse)
Presented by Fantastic Arcade
Ole’ boring chess, who even likes it? Time to reinvent this beloved classic by making it way better…
well…. on the other hand, this whole Chess thing really has a “being good” problem and it’s high time that a bunch of people made way worse versions of chess or the idea of chess.
This event is a showcase of time-based media that considers “what is chess but better (or worse)” as part of Fantastic Arcade’s Media Jam #2 (you can still submit here!). All submissions will be played live at the event as well as streamed on Fantastic Arcade’s twitch page.
Fantastic Arcade’s mission is to celebrate, amplify and support the unique and underrepresented within indie games and beyond.
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FRI 6/25 & SAT 6/26 | 9PM | $20 | FAMILY INDIFFERENT (PG-13)
Presented by In Situ Artisan Collective
Inspired by the Guelaguetza, Encuentro ATX is a conglomeration of mini-events, both virtual and in-person. Encuentro ATX celebrates indigenous voices through their art, activism, or re-interpretation of ancestral teachings. Events include film screenings (w/ Q&A), dance and musical performances, art gallery, outdoor market, workshops and more.
Friday 6/25 Films
8:30pm – Kacia Florez (NYC) original songs based on her Colombian and Ecuadorian roots using Andean rhythms.
9:15 pm – Noche de Cine Film Screening curated by Mar Gonzalez and Nico Garcia. A collection of seven films and video performances by local filmmakers and artists that explore identity, culture, and place. To see the full program:
- Sharon Arteaga – When You Clean A Strangers Home
- Andres Garza – Los Dioses de Maiz
- Maria Luisa Santos – Ter
- Devin Alejandro Wilder – Limpia (Performance)
- C. Diaz – Échale Sávila, Quien Bien Ama Nunca Olvida
- Cristina Gonzalez – Suffocate
- Jose Villalobos – El Amor Y Su Entierro
- Caitlin Diaz – Quien Bien Ama Nunca Olvida
Saturday 6/26 Films
8pm – manuela agudelo (nyc) solo performance
8:30pm – kaleidospace (nyc) gracias a la vida collaborative performance
9pm – lukas avendano “utopia de la mariposa” documentary film screening and live q&a
Presented by Ruido/Noise
Ruido/Noise presents “The Rhymin’ Drive-In,” where hip-hop music meets foreign language films. With your hosts – musician/educator Deaven Bean and director of Ruido/Noise Jay Roff-Garcia. We choose a stellar film to pair with a scrumptous local hip-hop performance, including some choice edits and fun inclusions for the feature film.
Music: Tåsi
Film: Hermano (Venezuela)
Ruido/Noise is a platform for artists working in sound art, as well as facilitating spaces for them to present their work. Sound art is interdisciplinary by nature, in many ways it manifests itself in a hybrid form, our programming seeks to expand the field by providing opportunities for collaborations and experimentation.
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Fri 7/2 & Sat 7/3 | 9PM | $20 | FAMILY HOSTILE
A Merry Date (and Smashly)!
Presented by Andie Flores
for what’s sure to be a merry date–and smashly! ️ On July 2nd we’ll jetset with the girls as they find love in the pee-stained streets of ?? Pari (Attitude, attitude! Always attitude!) and then are thrust into the witness protection program and forced to relocate Down Under, where they also find love. If you’re from Urugli, you won’t wanna miss it! And even if you’re not, on July 3rd, You’re Invited to The Case of the clip show: a mish mash of the best straight-to-VHS capers from the tiny lil tots.
Goo goo ga ga, put these babies to WORK already. Let’s party with the fraternal queens of capitalism! Bring your old ass husband! Drink a giant cup of Starbucks! Put your little brother up for sale! Prior knowledge of MK ultrA not required but always celebrated. You got it, dude. If it’s up to me, you’ll R-S-V-pee!
andie flores is an idiot. She’s also a writer, performance artist, comedian, and doctoral student. She used to be more of a Mary–Kate than an Ashley, but now she’s found that she no longer relates to white women in that way.
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SAT 7/4 | 9PM | $20 | FAMILY INDIFFERENT (PG-13)
PWR Video Movies Presents: Legend’s of Wrestle (sic)
Presented by Party World Rasslin’
Mush-mouthed monomania and weaponized furniture — that’s wrestling. What else is wrestling? Wrestling is the only real sport. It’s not just humans smacking into each other (thought that happens — a lot). It’s a live exhibition of naked, clashing spirits! Watch meatheads with no business holding a microphone scream their souls bare, and give them your heart. Feel the power of a humble artform that’s been around for longer than rock music. Become enchanted by the heroics, skullduggery, and utter mayhem. Discover a need you never knew you had! Party World Rasslin’s Commissioner Chris Monica presents matches and interviews designed to give a broad overview of the Glory of Pro Wrestling. Hysterical, exciting, raw, and life-changing, wrestling is really fun to watch with friends. See more sweat on human bodies then you thought possible and drink deep of some cask-strength glowering. Thrill to surprising athletics and – most importantly – experience some weird, indescribable moments will be with you long after the event has ended.
Party World Rasslin’ (PWR) is a giant psychedelic party about wrestling that is also, itself, a wrestling league. Our shows have grown since 2014 from small backyard parties for technoburnouts and noise-freaks into giant free warehouse megaspectaculars shaped by our roots in DIY movements across Texas. We love wrestling—we think it’s a perfect thing—and hope you can too.
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SAT 7/10 | 9PM | $20 | FAMILY HOSTILE (R)
Suds N Sluts
Presented by Sex Worker Outreach Project ATX
A carwash and drive in screening to benefit SWOP ATX.
The Austin chapter of the Sex Worker’s Outreach Project is a social justice network dedicated to the fundamental human rights of sex workers and their communities, focusing on ending violence and stigma through education, community building, and advocacy. Our local chapter is run by trans sex workers of color, and we aim to prioritize support for those at the margins of our industry for whom access to care and aid is limited. We welcome the support of our allies and hope to forge strong connections and collaborative networks of resources with other social justice minded and sex worker positive organizations, individuals, and businesses in our city. We encourage and invite any sex workers who are committed to dismantling racism, anti-Blackness, colonialism, transphobia, trans/misogyny, ableism, class-oppression, and whorearchy to join us in creating a loving and supportive community of adult industry providers in Austin TX. Funds donated will be used to support mutual aid assistance for verified sex workers in our community, and to fund operational costs for our organization.
Come to our sexy car wash and screening of the movie Tangerine! Whether you’re here to watch the film or enjoy the sexy views from the wash, you’re in for a spanking good and squeaky clean time. Merch, drinks, and snacks will be available at the event – you can order from your car and we will bring it to you!
Car wash starts at 7pm
Movie starts at 9pm
No car? Limited outdoor seating is available! Each socially distanced platform has 4 chairs. Blanket room will also be available for picnic style seating (bring your own blanket). Groups that are not remaining inside their car are limited to four people. Please limit mingling between groups. Port-a-potty restrooms will be available.
Just here for the wash?
Drive on through and follow the signs – prepare to get that naughty bumper shined to perfection with our custom made chamois floggers. Our sexy wash attendants will have you dripping wet and begging for more suds!
Access info: the event will be held in the dirt parking lot of MoHA, all ground level and all outdoor. All-gender port a potty toilets will be available throughout the event. The ground may be uneven especially after rain or from the hoses. Seating will be available – if you by a blanket ticket but still need a seat (rather than seating on the ground), we are more than happy to accommodate you: please DM us, bring your own chair, or approach a volunteer at the event. The movie sound will be played over speaker and radio, with captioning on. Attendees in cars are encouraged to come in a group and stay together in their car to limit mingling, attendees without cars are also asked to limit mingling as much as possible. Water will be available, food and snacks TBA. The car wash is from 7-9 with the movie beginning at 9, all washes will be wrapped up by 9:30. Event ends at 11.
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SAT 7/17 | 9PM | $20 | FAMILY HOSTILE (R)
Sleepaway Camp
Presented by Bambi
Join us for a double feature of Sleepaway Camp (1983) and Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers (1988) Gather around the campfire or watch the hack and slash thrills from the comfort of your car! During the films, you’ll be able get to know Angela Baker, the survivor of a horrible boating accident which claimed the life of her father and injured her twin sibling – a horrific incident that scarred her family and left her in the care of her domineering, mentally-unstable Aunt. It was under her care that Angela was truly “born,” as, prior to this, a boy. Raised as a boy, and deeply confused about her gender, Angela was eventually sent away to Camp Arawak at age 14 in an attempt to help her integrate into youth culture. The act proved fatal, as young Angela suffered a complete psychological breakdown and began murdering her fellow campers and counselors. As she grew into a young adult, this tradition continued as Angela eventually became a counselor at the campgrounds herself, and she goes down a destructive path to murder her helpless campers to teach them valuable lessons on the harmfulness of bullying, lying, and…fornication in the woods (?) Here’s what you can expect: a subtitled viewing experience of both films, and 80’s tunes all night long! Gather ‘round a nice campfire and enjoy s’mores and scary story telling!
No car? Limited outdoor seating is available! Each socially distanced platform has 4 chairs. Blanket room will also be available for picnic style seating (bring your own blanket). Groups that are not remaining inside their car are limited to 3-4 people. Please limit mingling between groups. Port-a-potty restrooms will be available.
Bambi is a music journalist, music curator, and active member of the Austin-based organization known as Brown State of Mind.
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SAT 8/14 | 9PM | $20 | FAMILY INDIFFERENT (PG13)
In the Ether
Presented by Arcos
Welcome to the Ether. You are there. I am here. And together we are creating a third space, between yours and mine. In the Ether, we encourage you to find ways to slow down and listen to your body. Feel any sensations that come up. Let us know how you feel. Send a message and help our host navigate this space alongside friends and strangers. Feel free to wander: we’re not sure what we’re looking for, or whether we’ll know if we find it. But remember, we are all journeying in the Ether together.
ARCOS experiments rigorously to discover adventurous new forms of performance, in part by making hybrid work that integrates newer and older technologies through bodies in movement to question dominant understandings of the world. Provoking interplay along a spectrum from human to mechanical to digital, virtual and physical, live and asynchronous, ARCOS seeks to imagine tangible new relationships that may be surprising, intimate, and immense.
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SAT 8/21 | 9PM | $20 | FAMILY INDIFFERENT (PG13)
Dungeons and Draggin’ Dat Ass: A Choose Your Own Adventure Music Festival Experience
Presented by Camila Torres-Castro
Gather your clerics, bards, and elves: we’re going to a MUSIC FESTIVAL!…from inside our cars. Brace yourselves for the heat, the astronomical prices, and the amazing bands that we have lined up for this makeshift music festival. Keep your expectations low and your windows high as we guide you through a full-on music festival experience, obnoxious people with big hats included. Choose your character wisely: there will be prizes for those who endure!!
Camila Torres-Castro is a writer and PhD Candidate at UT Austin. She is also a DJ with Chulita Vinyl Club, an all-women and NB folks collective. Her entire personality is hating pickles.
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THUR 8/26 | 9PM | $20 | FAMILY HOSTILE (R)
Rhymin’ Drive-In #3
Presented by Ruido / Noise
For this round we have chosen I Am Not a Witch (Zambia), a 2017 internationally co-produced drama film written and directed by Rungano Nyoni in her feature debut film. A serious little girl Shula (Maggie Mulubw) shows up in a village and it is quickly decided she is a witch. When she refuses to answer questions confirming or denying she is a witch, she is brought to a witch doctor (James Manaseh) who sacrifices a chicken to determine whether she is a witch or not.
Our live entertainment for Drive-in #3 will be Chris Hills, a local host, performer, and beatboxin’ comedian tryin’ to make it. We hope you can join us!
This screening will be in English, Bemba, and Nyanja. The subtitles will be in English.
¡Ruido/Noise presenta “Rhymin’ Drive-In “# 3!
Para esta ronda hemos elegido I Am Not a Witch (Zambia), una película dramática coproducida internacionalmente de 2017 escrita y dirigida por Rungano Nyoni en su primer largometraje. Una niña seria, Shula (Maggie Mulubw), aparece en un pueblo y rápidamente se decide que es una bruja. Cuando se niega a responder preguntas que confirman o niegan que es una bruja, la llevan a un médico brujo (James Manaseh) que sacrifica un pollo para determinar si es una bruja o no.
Nuestro entretenimiento en vivo para Drive-in # 3 será Chris Hills, un presentador local y un beatboxin comediante que vive intentando triunfar. ¡Esperamos que puedan disfrutar del show!
Clasificación MPAA de la familia MoHA: FAMILY HOSTILE (R)
Esta proyección será en inglés, bemba y nyanja. Los subtítulos estarán en inglés.
Ruido/Noise is a platform for artists working in sound art, as well as facilitating spaces for them to present their work. Sound art is interdisciplinary by nature, in many ways it manifests itself in a hybrid form, our programming seeks to expand the field by providing opportunities for collaborations and experimentation.
Ruido/Noise es una plataforma para los artistas que trabajan en el arte sonoro, además de facilitarles espacios para que presenten su trabajo. El arte sonoro es interdisciplinario por naturaleza, de muchas maneras se manifiesta en una forma híbrida, nuestra programación busca expandir el campo brindando oportunidades para colaboraciones y experimentación.
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FRI 8/27 | 9PM | $20 | FAMILY INDIFFERENT (PG13)
Zigazig Ahhhhh: It’s A Spice World, and We’re Just Living In It
Presented by Andie Flores
Calling all wannabes! This world can be SCARY. If you’re BABY, or even a little SPORTY, you understand the importance of keeping shit POSH. I’m not going to be GINGER about it: BRITAIN’S GOT TALENT! If you wanna be my lover, you gotta see this movie. Put on your little Gucci dress and come watch five girls, aliens?!?!?!?, and Alan Cummings throw out all the basic tenets of moviemaking in this nonsensical romp through past, present, and future. Is this for kids or am I supposed to be confused and horny? I DON’T KNOW!!!!!!! Park your Spice Bus for this summer screening spectacular in the sacred church of Spice. You know what I really really want? Girl power! Say you’ll be there? (*FREE FOR ANDIE FLORES PATREON SUBSCRIBERS!*)
andie flores is a writer, visual and performance artist, and comedian whose work and play are guided by questions of audience, excess, glitches, legacy, experiments of liveness, and performances of online identity. Through self-portraiture, character video experiments and live (in-person and online) performances, her work explores and explodes the complexities of knowing oneself as a racialized body and general clown idiot in multiple layers of time, space, and cultural connectivity.
She is currently a doctoral student in Mexican American Latinx Studies at the University of Texas, and spends a great deal of time talking to herself on camera in a teeny tiny studio at the Museum of Human Achievement in Austin, Texas. flores’ first solo exhibition, ‘but always near poets,’ showed at Presa House Gallery in January 2021.
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SAT 8/28 | 9PM | $20 | FAMILY INDIFFERENT (PG13)
There’s No Such Thing as a Guilty Pleasure #1: Deep Blue Sea
Presented by Hyperreal Film Club
What better way to kick off Virgo season than with methodical killer sharks seeking petty revenge! Join us for a summer evening with the Jaws of shark b-movies: Deep Blue Sea. A small indie about a religious chef and his pet bird navigating the fallout of the academic elite. The only thing you’ll be guilty of is having too much of a good time.
In addition to presenting an eclectic mix of the world’s greatest movies, Hyperreal Film Club seeks to build a special community around the moving image. We specialize in creating unique movie-watching experiences in unusual, thoughtful, and immersive pop-up environments.
We also amplify local artists by screening the pieces they’ve already produced, as well as creating paid opportunities for them to create and exhibit new work. We’re always looking for collaborators.
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There’s No Such Thing as a Guilty Pleasure #2: Boom na da noom na na nema Da boom na da noom na namena: Nu-Metal in review
A night of nu-metal in review presented by Miles Edwards and Zac Traeger.
The year is 1999, we’re in Ohio or maybe Indiana, we all have on a pair of Mammoth JNCO jeans and are oddly antagonistic toward Carson Daily. We’re at a concert of white dreadlocks, why does this band have a DJ and 7 members? What does the 7th person actually do?
From System of a Down to Slipknot, Deftones to Disturbed, KoЯn to Kittie, we’ll explore the hi’s and low’s of a particular moment in music
Guests will be provided with complimentary choice of: a chocolate starfish, hotdog or water.
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FRI 9/10 | 9PM | $20 | FAMILY HOSTILE (R)
Rhymin ‘Drive-In # 4
Presented by Ruido / Noise
For this round we have chosen The Happiness of the Katakuris (カ タ ク リ 家 の 幸福, Katakuri-ke no Kōfuku) a 2001 Japanese musical comedy horror film directed by Takashi Miike, with screenplay by Kikumi Yamagishi. A a surreal horror-comedy in the farce tradition featuring The Katakuris: four-generation family of failures: a patriarch Masao Katakuri (Kenji Sawada), his wife Terue (Keiko Matsuzaka), his father Jinpei (Tetsurō Tamba), his formerly criminal son Masayuki (Shinji Takeda), his divorced daughter Shizue (Naomi Nishida), her child Yurie (Tamaki Miyazaki, who narrates the film), and their dog, Pochi. The family uses the father’s redundancy pay to purchase a large old home with the intention of converting it into a bed and breakfast, but things go terribly wrong.
Our feature artist for Drive-in # 4 will be a SURPRISE GUEST. We hope you can join us!
This screening will be in Japanese. The subtitles will be in English.
Ruido / Noise presents “Rhymin ‘Drive-In” # 4!
For this round we have chosen The Happiness of the Katakuris (カ タ ク リ 家 の 幸福, Katakuri-ke no Kōfuku) a 2001 Japanese horror musical comedy directed by Takashi Miike, with a script by Kikumi Yamagishi. A surreal horror comedy in the tradition of farce with the Katakuris: a family of failures of four generations: Patriarch Masao Katakuri (Kenji Sawada), his wife Terue (Keiko Matsuzaka), his father Jinpei (Tetsurō Tamba), his former criminal son Masayuki (Shinji Takeda), his divorced daughter Shizue (Naomi Nishida), his daughter Yurie (Tamaki Miyazaki, who narrates the film) and their dog, Pochi. The family uses the father’s severance pay to buy a large old house with the intention of turning it into a hotel, but things go terribly wrong.
Our main artist for Drive-in # 4 will be a SURPRISE. We hope you can enjoy the show!
This screening will be in Japanese. The subtitles will be in English.
= – = – = – = – = – = –
Ruido / Noise is a platform for artists working in sound art, as well as facilitating spaces for them to present their work. Sound art is interdisciplinary by nature, in many ways it manifests itself in a hybrid form, our programming seeks to expand the field by providing opportunities for collaborations and experimentation.
Ruido / Noise is a platform for artists who work in sound art, in addition to providing spaces for them to present their work. Sound art is interdisciplinary by nature, in many ways it manifests itself in a hybrid form, our programming seeks to expand the field by providing opportunities for collaborations and experimentation.
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FRI 9/17 | 9PM | $5-20 | FAMILY INDIFFERENT (PG13)
Back to life, back to… (a multisensory and gustatory evening!)
Presented by laura g. gutiérrez
Well, here we are again, saying goodbye to another sucky Summer (are you with me?). Let’s all pretend that a better time existed, one by the ocean that most of us can’t access now for various reasons (global pandemic, poverty, late-stage capitalism and the overdevelopment of beach zones and structural inequalities). This night is an invitation to travel through our eyes, our ears, and other modes of sensing, and to come back to life, as we watch the documentary Vuelve a la vida (Come back to life). This 2010 film by Carlos Hagerman is about a legendary scuba diver, Hilario Martínez, better known as Perro Largo (Long Dog), and his entanglements with a menacing shark and a top model from NYC during the Acapulco of the 1970’s. The film screening will be preceded by some Acapulco-themed songs and a “cooking” demo of “vuelve a la vida” (come back to life), a ceviche style dish whose name is borrowed to title the film. No tastings during the event because of Covid-19, but everyone can take home a print out of the recipe and the playlist. [The film has English subtitles for the Spanish-speaking parts].
Pues aquí de nuevo, despidiéndonos de otro verano mamón (¿están de acuerdo conmigo?). Vamos a hacer de cuenta que un tiempo mejor existió, uno cerca del mar que muches de nosotres no podemos acceder por varias razones: pandemia global, pobreza, capitalismo tardío, el desarrollo exagerado de las zonas playeras y sus desigualdades estructurales. Esta noche es una invitación a viajar mediante nuestros ojos, nuestros oídos, y otros modos de sentir y experimentar, y regresar a la vida mientras vemos el documental de Carlos Hagerman, Vuelve a la vida. Este documental de 2010 trata sobre el legendario buceador Hilario Martínez, mejor conocido como Perro Largo, y sus enredos con un tiburón y con una modelo de la ciudad de Nueva York durante los años setenta en Acapulco. Antes de la proyección habrá música con onda acapulqueña y una demostración de cómo se prepara el cóctel Vuelve a la vida. Dado los protocolos de salubridad por Covid-19, no habrá pruebas, pero se podrán llevar la receta a casa así como una lista de la música que sonará. [La película cuenta con subtítulos en inglés para las partes habladas en español].
laura g. gutiérrez teaches and writes about Latinx and Mexican performance, art, and visual culture while holding a job at UT. born in a small town in durango, méxico, she migrated as a child to chicago, and the first time meeting the ocean—acapulco, guerrero—was in her late 20’s. but in her head has traveled to the golden age of Acapulco (i.e. 1970’s) many times.
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FRI 9/24 | 9PM | $20 | FAMILY INDIFFERENT (PG13)
There’s No Such Thing as a Guilty Pleasure #3: Powerpoint Fest 3
I Like Nickleback aka There’s No Such Thing as a Guilty Pleasure
“If it makes you happy
It can’t be that bad
If it makes you happy
Then why the hell are you so sad?”
-Sheryl Crow
A night of community powerpoints (8 min or less) on guilty pleasures.
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SAT 9/25 | 9PM | $20 | FAMILY INDIFFERENT (PG13)
Presented by Celine Lassus
20 years later and this box-office flop is here to call out the sinisterisms of pop culture! Do you live laugh love watching womxn object to the larger structural exploitation that forces their bodies into commodification??? If yes, this event is for you! Come ready to immerse yourself in a world domination plot à la Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss herself, the US gov feat. the music industry! Imagine thinking: “Why stop at selling records?! Use the celebrity to promote whatever your capitalist heart desires!” As NSYNC once said, *~*~*~♪Buy Buy Buy♪~*~*~* Spoiler alert!! Major serotonin is unlocked when the fantasy girl group dehypnotizes the masses and frees society from the shackles of #spon #ad. Patriarchal corporate greed has nothing on the power of three girls singing in the name of friendship and authenticity <3
Stay after the movie for a healing workshop that will leave you cleansed and purified of all the times you found yourself genuinely debating a !!!stranger’s!!! personal life.
Always and forever,
Leave Britney Alone
Celine Lassus is a visual artist, game developer and Y2K aficionado. Raised on Tiger Beat and People magazine, she is finally ready to repent and redeem herself as The Savior of All Things Pop Culture.
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SUN 9/26 | 8PM | $20 | FAMILY INDIFFERENT (PG13)
STAKES! (yes it’s) the Adventure Time Miniseries!
Presented by Hyperreal Film Club
Join us in the land of Ooo for the most algebraic event of the season — Marceline’s here to stomp some fellow vamps! Hot take: these episodes contain the best song in the totality of the AT experience. Gear up and stake down, bb ?
In addition to presenting an eclectic mix of the world’s greatest movies, Hyperreal Film Club seeks to build a special community around the moving image. We specialize in creating unique movie-watching experiences in unusual, thoughtful, and immersive pop-up environments. We also amplify local artists by screening the pieces they’ve already produced, as well as creating paid opportunities for them to create and exhibit new work.
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FRI 10/8 | 8PM | $20 | FAMILY HOSTILE (R)
Primrock the Block
Presented by and for Primrose Harm Reduction
How many tough kids does it take to bring down a scary alien? Can British people defend earth? All this and more will be explored and answered in 88 minutes of non-stop intergalactic action!
Primrose Harm Reduction is a non-hierarchical collective acting as a safe injection supply chain and educational resource for unhoused people. Since June 2020 they have expanded to several camps in central and south Austin, with the focus of providing harm reduction supplies, wound care and support to our neighbors.
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SAT 10/9 | 8PM | $20 | FAMILY HOSTILE (R)
Presented by Cindy Popp for Future Front Texas
AKA “What’s your favorite scary movie?” AKA “The Jamie Kennedy Experiment” AKA “How many Culkins are there!” Are you ready for 6.9 (nice) hours of Ghostface terrorizing Sydney Prescott? Are you prepared to go on a journey with Courteney Cox’s hair stylist? Can you believe how many fucking people are in these movies? If you are a die-hard slasher fan or are just looking for a way to kick off Spooky Season, join us in a marathon screening of all four movies benefitting Future Front Texas–the top-rated nonprofit of Woodsboro High!
Cindy Popp understands that there are certain rules that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie. Future Front Texas is a 501c3 nonprofit, homegrown in Austin, Texas. We started as a grassroots meet-up series called Boss Babes ATX (bbatx) in 2015. We are run by a four-person staff and a network of amazing volunteers, each committed to cultivating spaces where women and queer creatives, founders and leaders can grow together.
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WED 10/20 | 8PM | $20 | FAMILY HOSTILE (R)
The Texas Powertool Multimurder (2003)
Presented by Hyperreal Film Club for How to Texas
Jessica Biel holds it down in this 2003 remake of the TCM that started it all. Most exciting for us, Bobbi Colorado — animal trainer extraordinaire and guest on the premiere episode of new podcast HOW TO TEXAS — was integral to the production of this film! Come get sawed with us Wednesday then hear some wild, never-before-heard behind-the-scenes tales when the podcast drops on Friday.
How to Texas is a 6-part podcast about the current Texas filmmaking scene presented by Hyperreal Film Club and produced by The Direct Line. Each week hosts Samantha Bennett, Francis Román, and Drew Saplin interview a crew member in film production who is integral to making movies here in Texas. Tune in each week to learn a few things about working in the film industry at large, hear anecdotes from set, and dive into the magic of the Texas movie making spirit.
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THU 10/21 | 8PM | $20 | FAMILY HOSTILE (R)
Out Of The Closet And Into The Sheets presented by FFTWINZ
Presented by FFTWINZ for RAICES
Nightmare on Elm Street 2- Freddy’s Revenge
Made in 1985, before being gay was sponsored by Bank Of America, this movie is gay shame at its finest. This sequel was based on Wes Craven’s, Nightmare on Elm Street. Wes was against the sequel idea, so they showed his ass and made the gayest horror movie ever. There will be a sick pre-show and lots of slow motion jump roping by tiny children singing nursery rhymes.
Beth Schindler and Lex Vaughn aka FFTWINz are artists and lez clowns, who make fun and bring an obnoxious, yet endearing little brother vibe everywhere they go. They will be joined by their orphaned stepchild Elissa Ussery, a peak era Edward Furlong stunt double and horror wiz kid. It will be a sexy family affair.
We will be raising money for Raices- The Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services.
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SAT 10/23 | 8PM | $20 | FAMILY HOSTILE (R)
OUTside of Society: A Night of Surreal Grotesque and Monsters in/out of the Closet
Presented by and for OUTsider Fest
Amidst the wanton wickedness of the weekend before All Hallows’ Eve, MOHA and OUTsider present a drive-in screening of 1989’s Society—a film in which the worst of the well-to-do get the terror treatment they deserve! Directed by Filipino-American, Brian Yuzna, Society is wild, body horror ride that unleashes all the absurdity, gore and garish of your ’80s/’90s fantasies/frightmares. A campy-cum-creepout class satire that serves up a frightful “fuck you” to the excesses and exploitations of yuppie culture of yore: With its tongue-in-cheek tagline of “the rich have always feed upon the poor,” Society is an outlandish sendup of status that strikes a startlingly salient note about how truly scary snobbery can be.
In honor of this fabulously frightening flick, in which the camp comes out to play and concealed identities creep their way out of the closet, let’s consider: Are the figures that lurk in the shadows the ones we should fear? Or is it the monsters in broad daylight who pose the most devilish dangers of all? Playing off the petrifying potentialities of evils un/seen, come indulge in a night of fantastical festivities, including a costume contest on the theme of (with due respect to Harry Benshoff) “Monsters in/out of the Closet”—let those deviant imaginations run wild ya vamps! Plus, a macabre music playlist curated by the gayazz ghouls of OUTsider, and other tricks and treats—all culminating in an interactive screening of Society that will set your spine all the way to tingle.
OUTsider is an Austin-based transmedia nonprofit that celebrates the bold originality and creative nonconformity of the LGBTQ+ communities through the presentation of provocative, overlooked and out-of-the-box film, dance, theater, performance art, music, writing and visual art.
Through its annual festival and conference, OUTsider unites queer artists, audiences and scholars from around the globe to exchange ideas, ignite conversations, transcend boundaries and experience new pleasures through artistic discovery.
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WED 10/27 | 8PM | $20 | FAMILY HOSTILE (R)
It’s Like a Live Action Scooby Doo but Filmed by Aliens
Presented by Creative Action Youth Cinema Collective for Texas Abortion Funds
A psychedelic ghost tale? A stream of consciousness bubblegum nightmare? A preview of Austin real estate woes to come? Any of the above could describe HOUSE, the classic Japanese head trip about a schoolgirl who travels with six classmates to her ailing aunt’s creaky country home and comes face-to-face with evil spirits, a demonic house cat, a bloodthirsty piano and other ghoulish visions. Presented by the teen filmmakers of the Creative Action Youth Cinema Collective, House is the gonzo horror comedy you never knew you needed in your Halloween rotation. And with proceeds going directly to Texas Abortion Funds to help women get the medical care they need, you’ll be helping our state become the kind of house that will care for women instead of eating them alive.
In addition to car seating, there is limited outdoor seating! Each socially distanced platform has 4 chairs available to purchase in groups. Please limit mingling between groups. Port-a-potty restrooms will be available.
Creative Action Youth Cinema Collective is a team of 25 teens from every corner of Austin who come together to make films about themselves and their communities. Now in its 7th year, YCC teens celebrate cinema and community, sharing their voices and giving space to the issues that they care about most.
THUR 10/28 | 8PM | $20 | FAMILY HOSTILE (R)
Jennifer’s Not Killing People! She’s Killing Boys.
Presented by Amber Wilson for ATX Mental Health Fund
Are you ready for blood, guts, hopelessness and an extra salty prom night, Snowflake Queens? It’s Jennifer’s Body, but what’s actually living in it… What better way to preemptively kick off your Halloween weekend than by seeing Karyn Kusama and Diablo Cody’s under-appreciated (IMO) cult classic? Dress like it’s the most important (and possibly last) night of your life by coming in full prom attire for a chance to be crowned demon royalty and win some prizes!
No car? Limited outdoor seating is available! Each socially distanced platform has 4 chairs. Groups that are not remaining inside their car are limited to four people. Please limit mingling between groups. Port-a-potty restrooms will be available.
Amber Wilson was not a prom queen but she is a member of Bottle Alley, a local DIY punk theater company. ATX Mental Health Fund is a nonprofit mutual aid fund that provides direct cash assistance to promote mental healthcare accessibility in Austin, Texas. By providing direct cash assistance to residents of Austin who need help covering expenses related to mental healthcare, ATX Mental Health Fund can increase access to vital mental health services during this difficult time for our community.
FRI 10/29 | 8PM | $20 | FAMILY HOSTILE (R)
Suzy, do you know anything about… witches?
Presented by Texas Harm Reduction Alliance
Come celebrate the culmination of spooky season and explore the mysteries of Tanz Dance Academie with a special screening of Dario Argento’s chromatic masterpiece, Suspiria. When Suzy Bannion arrives at her prestigious new dance school she is greeted by a terrified girl fleeing the premises and things only get weirder from there. Join us in following our protagonist as she gets to the bottom of the supernatural happenings at one of the world’s premier dance schools. We’ll have drinks, snacks and merch available by donation. All proceeds will go to direct relief for our unhoused program participants who are being displaced by the enforcement of Prop B and HB 1925.
Texas Harm Reduction Alliance (THRA) is dedicated to ending the war on drugs through policy change, education, and harm reduction strategies such as distribution of safe use supplies, connection to methadone, and recovery coaching. Check us out at!
SAT 11/6 | 8PM | $15-40 | FAMILY HOSTILE (R)
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night
Presented by SWOP ATX
Join SWOP ATX for an extra special showing of the 2014 Iranian vampire western A GIRL WALKS HOME ALONE AT NIGHT!
“Residents of a worn-down Iranian city encounter a skateboarding vampire (Sheila Vand) who preys on men who disrespect women.” —RottenTomatoes
***Accessibility note: The dialogue is entirely in Persian, and English-captioned. For CONTENT WARNINGS (may contain SPOILERS), please visit: \[\]***
We’ll kick off the evening with a costume contest! Halloween might be over, but we’re still feeling spooky! 2nd place and 1st place winners will receive a surprise gift. 😮
Merch, drinks, and snacks will be available for your enjoyment. You can also order from your car and we’ll bring you the goods!
No car? No problem! Limited outdoor seating is also available: each physically-distanced platform has 4 chairs, and space is also available for picnic-style seating (bring your own blanket!). Groups that are not remaining inside their car are limited to four (4) people. Please limit mingling between groups, and please MASK UP when possible! Take care of each other!
🔚Event ends at 11PM
Accessibility info: the event will be held in the dirt parking lot and garden of MoHA, all ground level and all outdoor. All-gender port-a-potty toilets are available throughout the event. The ground may be uneven, especially after rain. Seating is available – if you buy a blanket ticket but still need a seat (rather than sitting on the ground), we are more than happy to accommodate you: please DM us, bring your own chair, or approach a volunteer at the event. The movie sound will be played over speaker and radio, with captioning on. Attendees in cars are encouraged to come in a group and stay together in their car to limit mingling; attendees without cars are also asked to limit mingling as much as possible. Masking is always appreciated!
SAT 7/30/22 | 6PM | $6-40 | FAMILY HOSTILE (R)
Suds n Sluts
A carwash and drive in screening to benefit SWEET. Sex Workers Educating & Empowering Texans (SWEET), formerly Sex Workers Outreach Project of Austin (SWOP ATX), is a Austin-based grassroots organization led by transgender sex workers of color. We are dedicated to ending the stigma against and criminalization of sex work through peer support, outreach, public education, and harm reduction. When sex workers lead the way, liberation tastes SWEET! Funds donated will be used to support mutual aid assistance for verified sex workers in our community, and to fund operational costs for our organization.
Come to our sexy car wash, trans performance showcase, and screening of the movie Zola! Whether you’re here to watch the performers, the film, or the sweet views from the wash, you’re in for a spanking good and squeaky clean time. Merch, drinks, and snacks will be available at the event – you can order from your car and we will bring it to you!
Event is from 6-11PM – car washes start at 6 til sunset, performance start at 8pm, movie starts at 9pm!
Sat 8/13 | 7:30PM | $10-20 | FAMILY HOSTILE (R)
Rhymin Drive-In
Presented by Ruido/Noise
Feature Film: Another Round (Druk) – (Denmark,Netherlands, Sweden)
Music: Regreso a Casa – Compilation (Venezuela)
Independent Short: Regreso a Casa (Venezuela)
Largometraje: Otra Ronda (Druk) – (Dinamarca, Países Bajos, Suecia)
Música: Regreso a Casa – Compilación (Venezuela)
Corto Independiente: Regreso a Casa (Venezuela)
Ruido/Noise presents Rhymin’ Drive-In! Our drive-in theater variety show experience where we pair independent filmmakers, music, and refreshments, along with a foreign language feature film.
For our 5th round our featured film will be Another Round (Danish: Druk, “binge drinking”)\] a 2020 black comedy-drama film directed by Thomas Vinterberg. Four high school teachers consume alcohol on a daily basis to see how it affects their social and professional lives.
Our musical guests will be the collective musical compilation from our project Regreso a Casa. It is an audiovisual compilation of musicians and audiovisual artists located in Argentina, the United States, Colombia, France and Venezuela, curated by Samuel Dario. The goal was to create an album full of memories of their culture, based on re-imaginings of songs that connect them with home.
Our featured independent short film will be Regreso a Casa, a dreamlike short film that travels through the psyche of its protagonist, Ausente, who decides to detach himself from the daily life of his postal office to travel through his psyche and dialogue with the memories evoked by the aroma of a coffee. Directed by Angélica Burgos Colls this is Ruido/Noise’s first film production to date and a sister project to our musical compilation.
There will be a pop-up dinner available to all drive-in attendees starting at 7:30pm and throughout the show. AREPA DEALERS are coming to slang some tasty treats your way. We will also have agua frescas, beer, water, and other refreshments provided by Plásticas Provisions.
¡Ruido/Noise presenta Rhymin’ Drive-In! Nuestra autocine donde emparejamos cineastas independientes, música y comida, junto con una película en un idioma extranjero.
Para nuestra quinta ronda, nuestra película destacada será Otra Ronda (Danés: Druk, “beber en exceso”)\] una película de comedia dramática negra de 2020 dirigida por Thomas Vinterberg. Cuatro profesores de secundaria consumen alcohol a diario para ver cómo afecta a su vida social y profesional.
Nuestros invitados musicales serán el recopilatorio musical colectivo de nuestro proyecto Regreso a Casa. Es una compilación audiovisual de músicos y artistas audiovisuales ubicados en Argentina, Estados Unidos, Colombia, Francia y Venezuela, curada por Samuel Darío. El objetivo era crear un álbum lleno de recuerdos de sus culturas, basado en re-imaginaciones de canciones que les conectan con su hogar.
Nuestro cortometraje independiente destacado será Regreso a Casa, un corto onírico que viaja a través de la psique de su protagonista, Ausente, quien decide desligarse de la cotidianidad de su oficina de correos para viajar a través de su psique y dialogar con los recuerdos evocados por el aroma de un café. Dirigida por Angélica Burgos Colls, esta es la primera producción cinematográfica de Ruido/Noise y un proyecto hermano de nuestra compilación musical.
Habrá una cena pop-up disponible para todos nuestros invitados al autocine empezando a las 7:30 p.m. y durante todo el espectáculo. Los AREPA DEALERS vienen a distribuir algunas delicias a tu manera. También tendremos aguas frescas, cerveza, agua y otros refrescos proporcionados por Plásticas Provisions.
Ruido/Noise is a platform for artists working in sound art, as well as facilitating spaces for them to present their work. Sound art is interdisciplinary by nature, in many ways it manifests itself in a hybrid form, our programming seeks to expand the field by providing opportunities for collaborations, exposition, and experimentation.
Ruido/Noise es una plataforma para los artistas que trabajan en el arte sonoro, además de facilitarles espacios para que presenten su trabajo. El arte sonoro es interdisciplinario por naturaleza, de muchas maneras se manifiesta en una forma híbrida, nuestra programación busca expandir el campo brindando oportunidades para colaboraciones, exposición y experimentación.